While one may not like the duty of vacuuming your home, it is something everyone has to do. Whether it is once a week, or several times a week, consistent vacuuming of your home makes sure that it is a clean and safe area to spend your time. Additional to that, if one has children, cleanliness is an even more stressful issue. Luckily, there is a new way of cleaning in the form of central vacuum systems. However, there's a lot of debate on whether central vacuums are more effective compared to upright vacuums in doing a better job at cleaning. Let us take a look at which is better and why.
While a decent quality upright vacuum that comes with a HEPA filter is good at cleaning, most central vacuum systems are more powerful. Meaning they perform greater at collecting dust and allergens that are invisible to the naked eye. So for individuals who suffer from open-air allergies (dust, pollen) or indoor allergies (cat dander), central vacuum systems are an effective way of eliminating those allergens from the property. This allows you to live a healthier lifestyle. Since the motor is stationary, this helps it to be more extensive or hold two motors.
Ease of Use
Upright vacuums mostly weigh a notable amount, so if one has back pain or other issues that restrict them from lifting heavy items, this kind of vacuum can cause harm. Central vacuum systems are not massive and easy to move because the central section (motor) is not portable and is usually fitted in the basement or garage. So all you move is the lightweight hose. This indeed makes vacuuming much more fun!
This is where the upright vacuum has the advantage, but only for a short while. While traditional vacuums can be turned on and used right after buying, central vacuums need an inlet and joining pipe for every 700 sq ft. However, central vacuum systems are standard now, so one can effortlessly find an installation professional and have them fit one for you in no time. One may have heard the saying, "slow and steady wins the race." This saying fits the central vacuums because once fitted, these devices do a great job cleaning your home.